For Business
Business and Sales Strategy & Execution
Business growth needs ambition supported by clarity of vision and ability to execute. We have over 20 years in multi-national sales, marketing, and field operational leadership roles in both direct and partner driven sales to the customer. Whether leading businesses through hyper growth, or massive market realignments and 'right sizing' - it is imperative to have a solid strategy AND the team culture to drive success and keep your organisation engaged with you on the way.
Experienced in building market segmentation and coverage plans, transition playbooks, deploying sales methodologies, developing multi-route partner/distribution ecosystems, and driving effective execution. Project based or longer-term advisory consulting for business strategy and plan creation, evaluation, or refinement with support into execution.
Leadership skills workshops and masterclasses
The Modern Leader Program was developed following 100's of hours of executive coaching and identifying common limiting patterns and behaviours and desired skills for modern leaders. Leadership is changing and the expectation of modern leaders to fully leverage IQ, EQ and SQ has never been more important to navigate the myriad of workforce changes, technological disruptions like AI, and increasing complexity in engaging customers. As more organisations develop distributed working structures, leading with influence and engagement is paramount.
Giving and receiving feedback
Knowing how to give and receive feedback is essential for high-quality, innovative work and a happy and productive team, but it is often overlooked. We’ll explore tried and tested feedback frameworks and find the one that best fits your team culture. You will have opportunities to practise giving and receiving feedback and design your own framework to take away.
Team offsites and leadership retreats
We have built and delivered numerous local and international team events, workshop and get-togethers. We help teams that are working remotely, flexibly, or in the same office, by bringing
valuable logistical support, agenda planning, team development opportunities and innovation thinking with the mission of designing experiences that transform teammates into lasting collaborators.
We believe that the best experiences are not passively consumed, but actively co-created so they can open new perspectives, ideas, conversations and possibilities for your teams.
Team Retreats are also your chance to accelerate and deepen your team’s conversation – about strategy, goals, vision, tactics, and so much more. This is a valuable time to bring people together to make decisions and get clarity so you can go back to work and put things into action.
For Individuals
Building Personal Leadership Brand
"Your success is not based on your performance; it's based on us - and our perception of your performance".
Your personal brand is important - it is a key determinant of your career, opportunities to work on engaging and exciting projects, and promotions, - but most people leave it to chance... sat patiently in the misguided belief that working hard and creating results will be enough. You need to be the creator of your destiny and get disciplined and structured in your approach. Using a mix of formal tools, self-reflection, communication style enhancement and attitude - take your personal brand to the next level with us.
Modern leadership requires adaptability, excellent communication, tenacity, vision and so much more - truly a blend of EQ, SQ and IQ. Leading teams and organisations can be immensely satisfying, but also brings stresses and elevated expectations - often our harshest judge is ourselves. The FFTC Modern Leaders Program is designed to help you explore and maximise your superpowers, but also to investigate your self-limiting beliefs and gaps to build skills and habits that push through those limitations, expand your situational leadership capabilities, and form the powerful habits and mindset to propel you and enthuse your teams to drive excellent results.
Coaching & Mentoring
Everyone knows that 80% of change projects fail despite the myriad of change management experts out there - it is not that they have everything wrong, it's that their approach is incomplete, missing some essential human factors.
Let me introduce you to the simple change acceleration formula to help you stay focussed on the activities that create and embed change. Structure, tools, and processes are important - but the key factor missed is the emotional engagement to making change stick. It will require more from you as a leader and contributor. FFTC can help you understand and build a compelling plan - using a combination of formal change acceleration tools, and modern neuroscience engaging people to drive your transformation.
Self-awareness is the gift of knowing both what we are good at, but also what may be holding us back from realising our full potential. We passionately believe in the growth mindset that you are limitless - we are all capable of more. When we experience friction in our lives and careers - if we take accountability, we can change it. Sometimes we need to find direction and purpose, our ikigai... other times we may have limiting beliefs holding us back, or simply just some something we are struggling to push past. Whether it’s some uncomfortable feedback at work or home, imposter syndrome, public speaking, cold calling, negative self-talk, lacking self-belief or confidence... You already have everything you need; you are enough - We can help you tap into the resourceful side of yourself and build the attitude, habits, and competencies to find joy outside of the comfort zone and embrace the challenge of really being your full self. Using a range of coaching techniques and NLP - I'll help you take yourself to the next level.